DWP Snakes & Ladders

11:30 - 13:30 23rd March 2024

Ellington Park, Park Road, Ramsgate

The object of the game is to dodge the DWP tricks and traps and survive on Universal Credit.

This giant life size board game is a playful exploration of the punitive government policy which targets single mothers. 

Ladders will take you up and DWP Snakes will take you down. 

Are you able to find gainful employment whilst caring for a toddler? 

Will you be sanctioned, spiral into debt and lose your home?

Can anyone actually survive on a Universal Credit payment?!

Roll the fluffy dice and try your luck! 

The game is hosted by Fallen Women Becky & Ray for teams of players.  

The event will create space for families to share their experience of the new Universal Credit regulations.

 DWP Snakes & Ladders was created by Becky Buchanan for Heads Bodies Legs with support from Plan for Peace.


Drag Pirates